
insured goods中文什么意思

发音:   用"insured goods"造句
  • 被保险的货物
  • insure:    vt. 1.保险,给…保险。 2.保障,为…提供保证。 ...
  • goods:    n. 〔pl.〕 1.商品,货物〔美国说 freight ...
  • be insured:    保险
  • insured:    保价邮件; 被保险的; 被保险人,投保人; 被保险者; 加入了保险的; 确保; 受保人;投保人; 投保户,受保人; 投保人被保险人; 要保人,被保险人
  • the insured:    背保险人; 被保险人; 受保人
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    更多例句:  下一页
  1. This insurance shall take effect from the time the insured goods leave the consignor's warehouse at the place of shipment named in the policy .
  2. The cover will be limited to 60 days upon discharge of insured goods from seagoing vessel at the final port of discharge
  3. The cover shall be limited to sixty days upon discharge of the insured goods from the seagoing essel at the final port of discharge
    被保险货物在最后卸载港卸离海轮后,保险责任以六十( 60 )天为限。
  4. In order to insure good health we must pay attention to three things . they are - nourishing food , fresh air and proper exercise
  5. In order to insure good health we must pay attention to three things . they are ? nourishing food , fresh air and proper exercise



  1. insured cost 什么意思
  2. insured debt 什么意思
  3. insured deposit 什么意思
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  6. insured height 什么意思
  7. insured id type 什么意思
  8. insured indemnity 什么意思
  9. insured interests 什么意思
  10. insured item 什么意思


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